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About Us

Founded by volunteers in 2020, Standing Trees is dedicated to protecting and restoring New England's wild forests.

Standing Trees is dedicated to advancing policy and legal solutions that protect and restore New England's native forests. Standing Trees serves as a watchdog for state and federal agencies and ensures that land-managers and policymakers follow the latest climate and biodiversity science.


Standing Trees Vermont believes in a future where:

  • New England's citizens and natural ecosystems, alike, are supported by just and equitable policies and practices;

  • Wild nature is recognized for its intrinsic value as well as for the clean water, clean air, carbon storage, recreation and public health benefits that it provides. Where we live up to EO Wilson’s assertion that “Nature needs half.”

  • New England's federal and state lands are a setting upon which people nurture a reciprocal relationship with all beings, including human;

  • New England's public lands and waters – held in trust – are managed passively to maximize carbon storage and clean water, and protect intact habitat for the region's native biodiversity;

  • Indigenous concepts of reciprocal relationships, and modern science embodied in the concepts of proforestation and rewilding, guide us to greater balance in forest management;

  • New England's public lands are culturally accessible, with guaranteed rights of use by the region's indigenous people;

  • New England's private forestlands are a balanced mix of managed and wild, providing locally-sourced forest products from firewood to maple syrup, supporting native biodiversity, and provisioning ecosystem services.


We believe in Standing Trees.

Standing Trees is proud to partner with a wide variety of non-profit organizations.

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Please email us if you or your organization would like to join this coalition:

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