Sponsored by the Climate Forests and Save Public Forests Coalitions

November is going to be a big month for public forests, and we need you to be a part of the action!
New England Rally for Climate Forests
Saturday, November 12 • Noon
It’s time to RALLY! Join in solidarity with climate and forest activists around the US calling for an end to logging mature and old-growth forests on federal public lands like the Green Mountain National Forest. The proposed Telephone Gap project on the GMNF could cut nearly 11,000-acres critical for carbon storage, biodiversity, and water quality protection. This rally is one of many planned around the US in a National Week of Action for Climate Forests (Oregon, Alaska, Vermont, Montana, Georgia. West Virginia, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and California). Together we can send a loud and clear message from New England to Washington, DC!
WHEN: Gather at NOON for the rally; optional visit to recent clearcuts at 1pm
Wear orange or bright colors!
MYTH BUSTERS: What the US Forest Service doesn’t want you to know about the impacts of logging
Wednesday, November 16 • 6:30pm
Presenters: Bill Stubblefield, PhD, Bart Bouricius and Cheryl Joy Lipton
Join us for a presentation covering the 11 most common myths the timber industry uses to excuse logging. Research backing the presentation will be included so we can help you demystify the timber industry’s propaganda.
Discussion and Q+A to follow the presentation.
This is a virtual event.
For more information on both events, visit: SavePublicForests.org/events
Sponsored by Standing Trees and the Save Public Forests Coalition